Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fifth stanza analysis

Sarabeth is scared to death
As she sits holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake
For someone to take
A girl with no hair to the prom

The first lien of this stanza is a line that is repeated in the song. This is putting emphasis on the fact that she is very scared and doesn't know what to expect from the chemo treatment and dealing with cancer. The second line says she sit holding her mom, but why not her dad? I think it is because she may have a closer relationship with her mom. Or maybe it is just the fact that women are more emotional and she feels her mom can comfort her better. Also maybe her dad wasn't there at this time. I wonder if this takes place right after she receives the news and having no hair and going to prom is the first thing she worries about. Or is this  after Sarabeth is already into chemotherapy and she is thinking about prom because it is coming up.

  The last three lines contradict some of the things i  said about her dream. In this stanza we find out shes dreaming about dancing because shes afraid no one will  want to take her to prom since she will have no hair.  She thinks her beauty will be gone when she loses her hair. I think her biggest concern in this song is losing her hair. This may relate back to why  the song is called skin. 

Analyzing this stanza tells me that maybe she wasn't literally dreaming of this. She was just reflecting about it in her mind. She wasn't actually in the sleepign state of dreaming she was just thinkign about it inher head as a dream.  It seems to me her worst fear is losing her hair there is a lot of emphasis on it throughout the song. Also she fears she will miss out on everything she would be doing is she didn't get cancer. Things a normal girl teenager would do like go to prom and have a boyfriend.


Marisa D. said...

I agree with the part about her mom. Also maybe she just knew her mom would understand because prom is like a big deal for every girl and maybe her dad would just think its another stupid dance, instead of a night you will remember forever.

Daniel Wright said...

Do you think her hairing falling out is why the song is called skin because when her hair falls out all she has left is her skin and it shows her how she is still beautiful with just her skin? Even with out her beloved hair she is still a beautiful girl that can do everthing she could do when she had hair.