Monday, November 10, 2008

Third stanza analysis

Six chances in ten it won't come back again
With the therapy were gonna try
It's just been approved
It's the strongest there is
I think we caught it in time

The first line says "six chances in ten it won't come back again" The first thing in my mind is what won't come back again? This still implies that she has  cancer  which can be curable but has its chances. This sounds like the doctor or nurse is saying this to Sarabeth. Like this is still part of the news she was receiving. This whole stanza seems to be the doctors voice, telling her what to expect with cancer and to encourage her that there are good chances of her beating the cancer. The doctor is being encouraging giving her some good news along with the bad news he gave her in the prior stanza. 

I still believe the prior stanza the doctor was first telling her the news that she has cancer. They say the therapy is the strongest there is. This is very vague they don't say what kind of treatment but if you look back to he prior stanza it says the treatment is chemotherapy.  Than the doctor or nurse says "I think we caught it in time." This can evoke both fear and happpiness. This is because it is a good thing they caught it in time, but they said they "think" instead of they "did" catch it in time. This can be scary that they aren't sure because than it worsens her situtation.

The tone of this whole stanza is hope. Hope that things will go well for her. This is coming from the doctor encouraging her that she has hope. Another thing to look at is is if the doctor is just talking to sarabeth at this point or only her parents. I believe he is addressing both Sarabeth and her parents giving them both some positive information on top of the bad news that she has cancer.


Daniel Wright said...

DO you think it could be a private conversation between the doctor and her worried parents? Don't the parents typically find out information from the doctor before the paient being that sometimes it is easier to take good or bad news from your parents vs. someone you barely know? In the first line "Six chances in ten it won't come back again" could that possibly refer to symptoms she is having because of the cancer, like a skin sore or nausea, that there trying to stop?

Marisa D. said...

I feel like it was we have bad news and good news kind of thing. Like what do you want first. Bad, well you have cancer but the good is it is treatable.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you that the stanza is about hope because they told her that she has fairly good odds of it not coming back and they think they found the cancer in time to cure it.

Wiedbrauk said...


"won't come back again" = remission

therapy = chemotherapy